Blowing Stuff Up! Our Favourite Pyros & Grenades
We love things that go bang! Especially grenades and flashbangs on the battlefield. Check out our Top 5 airsoft grenades and pyros...
Socom Tactical Airsoft |
We love things that go bang! Especially grenades and flashbangs on the battlefield. Check out our Top 5 airsoft grenades and pyros...
Socom Tactical Airsoft |
Like most quality past times, getting started with airsoft requires some investment. You need a gun and some protection at the very least. Here's our realistic guide to budgeting your...
Socom Tactical Airsoft |
What are BBs actually made of? BBs are the bread and butter of airsofting. Without BBs, we'd just be idiots running around with expensive sticks!
Socom Tactical Airsoft |