Product Overviews
Airsoft Christmas Ideas 2018
There's still time to pick up the perfect Airsoft present this Christmas! Check out our amazing gift ideas…
Socom Tactical Airsoft |
Blowing Stuff Up! Our Favourite Pyros & Grenades
We love things that go bang! Especially grenades and flashbangs on the battlefield. Check out our Top 5 airsoft grenades and pyros...
Socom Tactical Airsoft |
Best Cameras for Airsoft
There are loads of action cameras out there that are compact enough to be used while airsofting, so we're going to run through the best ones!
Socom Tactical Airsoft |
The Funniest Airsoft Morale Patches
Morale patches - they make cool gear cooler! From the lewd, crude to the just damn funny. Here are our favourite airsoft morale patches.
Socom Tactical Airsoft |
How to Airsoft on a Budget
Like most quality past times, getting started with airsoft requires some investment. You need a gun and some protection at the very least. Here's our realistic guide to budgeting your...
Socom Tactical Airsoft |
What Are BBs Actually Made Of?
What are BBs actually made of? BBs are the bread and butter of airsofting. Without BBs, we'd just be idiots running around with expensive sticks.!
Socom Tactical Airsoft |