Kitting yourself out with tactical airsoft gear is the perfect way to enjoy airsoft games while ensuring that you have all of the tactical advantages that you need.
When it comes to tactical airsoft gear, there are a few things that you will want to make sure that you have.
In this article, we will discuss some of the key pieces of tactical airsoft gear that you will want to consider purchasing for your next game.
This includes everything from protective clothing, headgear, boots and of course vests and pouches.
Authentic tactical gear is better than playing airsoft in jeans and a t-shirt - which just doesn't offer you the same protection from BBs, whilst also allowing you to move freely and quickly.
Most tactical clothing is usually made from breathable materials that will keep you cool in the heat of battle too!
Let's jump straight in!
Tactical Airsoft Gear: What to Look for
When you are looking for tactical airsoft gear, you do not want to rush your decision making. There are several different factors to consider, from safety to comfort, so you need to know that you are making the right choice.
It goes without saying that you want to feel comfortable in what you are wearing and carrying, but what the gear does is a lot more important than how it looks. It is much better to go for a brand that has a great safety reputation.
You also want to look for tactical airsoft gear that is going to work for the area where you are going to play. Is it breathable if you are going to be playing on a hot day? Is it waterproof? Look for gear that is versatile as well as effective.

Tactical Airsoft Gear: How to Choose
The good news is that there are a lot of different options out there when you are choosing tactical airsoft gear. The bad news is that you are going to have make that choice for yourself.
The most important factor to consider, of course, is safety. Can the mask protect your eyes? Can the gloves offset the pain of a BB to the hand? Can the boots give you the support you need on any terrain?
But you also need to factor in other concerns. Take the tactical airsoft mask, for example. Is it going to fog up once you get out there and start sweating? Does the tactical belt have enough pouches for all your needs? Take your time and find the right one.
Tactical Airsoft Clothing
If you are just getting started with airsoft, it may surprise you just how many different items of tactical airsoft clothing there are. While some people roll up in jeans and a hoodie, it’s smart to make sure that you are covered.
Experienced airsoft players will tell you that tactical clothing needs to fulfil different functions: camouflage, safety, and support. Let’s break down the most important pieces.
Tactical Boots
A lot of people tend to overlook the importance of good tactical boots. Think about where you will be playing and factor in the terrain. Indoor or outdoor will make a huge difference. Make sure it’s comfortable, supportive and the right colour.
Helmets & Headwear
Airsoft helmets are very important, and they should be taken seriously. Some players opt for mask only, but this puts them at serious health risk. Find a helmet that fits comfortably and that you can fasten securely.
Masks & Eye Protection
Possibly the most important piece of tactical gear: masks and eye protection. You need to cover your eyes and your mouth/jaw as a BB to the face can do serious damage. Ensure the mask won’t mist up and that you are comfortable in it.
Vests & Pouches
You will need to find a good tactical vest to protect yourself and to give yourself an extra storage option. Look for a vest that protects both your back and your chest, and one that comes with enough pouches.
Belts & Slings
A tactical belt is not just there to keep your trousers up. Find one that is not going to get in your way when you are manoeuvring, but which comes with enough storage to stow BBs and any other equipment you may need in a hurry.
The most important quality in a perfect tactical rucksack is reliability, but you also factor in the question of storage vs ease of use, how weatherproof it is and that the colour won’t give you away.
Tactical Airsoft Gear: The Right Fit
When you are looking for your tactical airsoft gear, it is so important that you make sure that you are getting the right fit. It makes a huge difference to your safety as well as your comfort levels.
Whether you are looking for helmets or vests, look for one in your size instead of going for the cheapest option. You do not want to find yourself on the field trying to get your mask to stay on properly when you are in the thick of battle.
Tactical Airsoft Gear: Accessories
We have covered the essentials when it comes to tactical airsoft gear, but there are plenty of accessories that you should seriously consider if you are serious about airsoft.
Think about investing in a proper water bottle to stay hydrated. Extra magazine pouches could give you the edge over your opponent, a proper holster is a great option, and you could also think about picking up some airsoft grenades.

Cleaning & Maintaining Your Tactical Gear
You need to take the maintenance of your tactical gear seriously. Most gear will work for as long as you look after it properly, and you need to have confidence that it will do what it is supposed to.
You should always read the instructions for cleaning and maintaining your tactical gear properly. Set some time aside after every battle to go over each piece of gear and be sure to check it thoroughly before the start of any match.
Final Thoughts
Airsoft tactical gear is essential for any player, not just those who take it extremely seriously. It will keep you safe, and it will allow you to move comfortably and focus on the battle at hand. Whatever you are looking for, you can browse a great selection of brands in our tactical airsoft gear section.